Monday, August 30, 2004
Here's a little nursery who I've heard of often since they are local to this area, but this time I finally ran into their website: Annie's Annuals. And they sell perennials and other stuff too, not just annuals. They will be having a fall planting party in October so I may try to go to that. The website design is really cute but my favorite thing is that they have a "wishlist" feature! I have so many little post-it notes with my favorite plants written down and then I forget what they look like or why I thought they were so special.
Sunday, August 29, 2004

Another little purse. This one is based on my sister's purse which has the same basic shape and is also made with vintage fabric. Alright, it's a knockoff. But I used fabric that is much louder than hers. Here's the inside.
p.s. I've been having a lot of trouble with the inline picture feature on blogger lately. They keep leaving?

This is the result, so far, of my experiment with Apartment Therapy's curtain hanging tutorial. I really like how the curtain separates the space. Here's a picture of what it used to look like when I came in the front door. I really like how the curtains hide the view of the crafty crap but still let light into the living room and allow me to watch the living room TV while I'm crafting. Also the living room feels so cozy now that it's the right size. The wire was so easy to hang and all of the hardware and everything only cost me about $10. The only thing I don't like are the curtains themselves. When I was hanging the wire I kept thinking about all the fabric I have, I was sure I would have something that would work. Turns out not.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Seeing this post at Bookslut about Dean Koontz reminded me of the two things I know about Mr. Koontz:
1. My sister used to read his books when I was becoming the book snob I am today. I was not impressed.
2. My horrible ex-boyfriend used to like to end fights with me by telling me that I wrote like Dean Koontz. I would then promptly throw him out of the house and he would not have to deal with me until at least the next day.
For the record, I have never actually read anything by Mr. Koontz.
1. My sister used to read his books when I was becoming the book snob I am today. I was not impressed.
2. My horrible ex-boyfriend used to like to end fights with me by telling me that I wrote like Dean Koontz. I would then promptly throw him out of the house and he would not have to deal with me until at least the next day.
For the record, I have never actually read anything by Mr. Koontz.
Here is the coolest thing I bought from Park's little sale: Limelight Hydrangea. I hope it lives up to the hype.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
There seems to be a little bug going around that is telling everyone to update something technical about their boring old blog layout. It's gotten to me too and I've decided I want to make special mini blogs for the sidebar to capture what I'm reading, and my current interests. I want an archived record of these things. Preliminary attempts have not yet yielded results, but we will see if I can prevail. I think so far I've been able to do everything I've wanted with my websites but I've always aimed pretty low.
p.s. Will someone please pay my supplemental property taxes?
p.s. Will someone please pay my supplemental property taxes?
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
With my little purse-making phase I've been taking a look online at the crafty girls who's purses I have always liked for inspiration. Here are some of my favorites:
Cut + Paste
Sparkle Craft
Mighty Flirt
Cut + Paste
Sparkle Craft
Mighty Flirt
Here's another thing I hate. A certain person who's blog I read (even though I don't know her personally or even email with her) recently had a perfectly wonderful time spontaneously getting married in the middle of the night outside of a bar. I happenned to take a look at her comments and it looks like a bunch of her friends, or at least blog lurkers, have decided to dump all over the whole delightful thing by pointing out irrelevancies like marriage licenses. Would you please just stomp the magic into the floor! Party poopers should be officially banned from leaving comments on perfectly fun people's blogs!
p.s. I certainly have become quite the hater! I should go to Dave Chapelle's Player Hater's Ball!
p.s. I certainly have become quite the hater! I should go to Dave Chapelle's Player Hater's Ball!
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
I am getting very excited about the fall plant sales and my fall gardening plans. I am planning on buying a few things at 40% off from Park's recent email flyer and a bunch of stuff at Mountain Valley Growers' mysterious Labor Day sale. I have been haunting Mountain Valley's site for a couple of months now to learn everything they know about herbs, and they are local to my area so I feel like I can trust what they have to say about the plants to be true for my climate. In addition I need at least one fabulous climing rose for the front of the house and I've settled on Reve d'Or. I had wanted to get this from Michael's Premier Roses which is actually in Sacramento, but they don't have that one so I am planning to try The Antique Rose Emporium. I purchased a few plants earlier this year from Park with excellent results but haven't tried any of the others. If anyone in my vast readership has any experience with any of these companies let me know.
When I got up today it was still kind of dark. It felt weird to turn on the light in the bathroom. We also are having a few days of unseasonably cool weather and cloudy days. As usual I am getting tired at the end of summer and have turned domestic. I made curtains and a peach pie this weekend. And I started working on some purses which I will try to sell at a friend's little winter craft fair.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Here are things I hate:
When people call a sandwich a "sammie." I love all other cutsey names for sandwiches including the following: samich, samamich, sandy-wich.
When people say "congrats." Why is it so much extra work to say congratulations. Are you really sincerely congratulating someone if you can't even take the time to say the full word?
When people call a sandwich a "sammie." I love all other cutsey names for sandwiches including the following: samich, samamich, sandy-wich.
When people say "congrats." Why is it so much extra work to say congratulations. Are you really sincerely congratulating someone if you can't even take the time to say the full word?
I love this tutorial for hanging curtains across a room at Apartment Therapy. I have wanted to separate my dining room (used as a crafty room with all the crap that entails) from the living area for a while now, but I don't really have the cash or the motivation right now to build a new wall and with pass through windows. I had thought about doing curtains for a temporary fix since in the big picture this project will probably not even be started for at least a year. I still thought I would have to spend about a $100 on curtain hardware to make this happen and since I've already replaced all of the curtains in the house i.e. I don't need any more curtain rods, that was not overly palatable. Yay! for cheap and good fixes.
Also wanted to point out this post at Keri Smith's site about creating your own special space. Obviously I am obsessed with this notion to the point of creating a whole house in its image.
p.s. has anyone see Love, Actually? It was so good.
Also wanted to point out this post at Keri Smith's site about creating your own special space. Obviously I am obsessed with this notion to the point of creating a whole house in its image.
p.s. has anyone see Love, Actually? It was so good.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Look at this Random Kitten Generator and thank you to Marie for sharing it with me. I do need random kittens in my day.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
This delightful recipe for minty lemonade looks like just the thing for me since I've recently planted mint and a little Meyer lemon grove in the backyard. And now that it's August for certain in Sacramento, 103F today, it sounds soo good! I only have a slight problem, which is that my plants and trees keep trying to die on me. It's a daily battle for survival and we have at least two more hot months to go. Last night I turned on the sprinkler in the tomato garden (I need to post pictures, it's growing like gang-busters and hardly trying to die at all), I had a million things to do before bed and I was so tired, but I almost couldn't walk away from the sound and smell of the water hitting the plants and the earth. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest I didn't realize that your body can crave rain the way it craves sunshine.
Anyway, for my own future reference or for any fledgling Sacramento gardeners, here is a list of the good plants that are going to town in spite of the heat, and they're only little babies. This may also be a good time to record my theory that no plant* really means "full afternoon sun" in Sacramento.
1. Lamb's ears, seriously, with very little shade
2. Butterfly bush, I plan to fill every space still available with these babies
3. Tomatoes and cucumbers with afternoon shade
4. Rose of Sharon, or hibiscus, or whatever you call it, with afternoon shade. The one out in the open is pathetic
5. Culinary Sage and Oregano, flourishing
6. Peach Trees, these may get a little tiny bit of afternoon shade but I think I planted them in June and they are still lush and green
*Obviously "no plant" does not refer to super plants Lavender and Rosemary. These are partying like rockstars.
Anyway, for my own future reference or for any fledgling Sacramento gardeners, here is a list of the good plants that are going to town in spite of the heat, and they're only little babies. This may also be a good time to record my theory that no plant* really means "full afternoon sun" in Sacramento.
1. Lamb's ears, seriously, with very little shade
2. Butterfly bush, I plan to fill every space still available with these babies
3. Tomatoes and cucumbers with afternoon shade
4. Rose of Sharon, or hibiscus, or whatever you call it, with afternoon shade. The one out in the open is pathetic
5. Culinary Sage and Oregano, flourishing
6. Peach Trees, these may get a little tiny bit of afternoon shade but I think I planted them in June and they are still lush and green
*Obviously "no plant" does not refer to super plants Lavender and Rosemary. These are partying like rockstars.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
On occasion my job requires me to look at how people die. I remember reading my first autopsy and t
On occasion my job requires me to look at how people die. I remember
reading my first autopsy and thinking: "If I die and someone writes
'Buttocks of victim are grossly unremarkable,' I will be so pissed!"
reading my first autopsy and thinking: "If I die and someone writes
'Buttocks of victim are grossly unremarkable,' I will be so pissed!"
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